These 6 Bad Bed Habits Are The Reason You Are Away From A Happier And Healthier Life
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise” This is an old saying yet true for the modern world in every sense. Busy with work, parties and responsibilities, today’s generation has forgotten to take out time for a good quality sleep. This not only affects your health but in a way also puts an impact on people around you too.
Here are some habits which you need to stop ASAP in order to have a happier life:
Keeping The Lights Going
Turning off the lights in your room before sleep is natural and scientifically correct. Disturbing the natural notion has always been troublesome. Make sure you switch off your lights or don’t overdo the use of mobile gazing before sleep as it bothers the level of melatonin in your body.
Tight Undergarments Or Even Garments
Sleep is synonymous to relax. It means you are in your calm mode mentally. Closing your eyes and thinking of absolutely nothing. But even physically you need to loosen up and get your body parts off all the stress by wearing pyjamas or garments which are ultra loose and comfortable. The best thing is to go naked, though.
Keeping Your Mask On Whole Night
Ladies and even today, gentlemen, kindly make sure you don’t forget to remove your make up before falling on your bed for night. The follicles on your facial skin will absorb the excess make up and clog the pores causing zits and blemishes.
Not Cleaning The Mouth Just Out Of Laziness
Brushing and flossing are two essential rituals one should follow before hitting the bed. A good night’s sleep means party time for all the germs inside your mouth. Don’t allow it to cause those cavities and dirty smiles.
Binge Watching At Night
The most common problem caused by easy access of TV series episodes is Binge watching. Avoid watching them at night, rather try to take out some free time in between your work and use them as your stress buster.
Not Drinking What You Actually Should – Water
Before retiring to bed drinking a couple of glasses of lukewarm water will ensure better digestion. This keeps your skin, metabolism as well as other functioning smooth and healthier when you wake up in the morning.
Replace your existing bed habits and follow these simple and feasible techniques.
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