How to increase your kid’s height?
Most of the parents want their children to be healthy and tall. The growth indicates about their good health and boosts their energy level. Though the height of your child may depend little upon the hereditary genes, with the inclusion of vital nutrients in their daily diet, it can help to enhance their body building processes.
Tips to improve your kid’s height:
• During the pregnancy period, a pregnant mother needs to eat all the vital nutrients and minerals, to impart healthy growth of the infant. The moderate intake of food should be 12-14 kilograms during the nine months of pregnancy period.
• With growing ages, the child’s diet must include all the vital nutrients in their daily diet. The menu may comprise of green fibrous vegetables, proteins, fresh fruits, and milk. The diet helps to enhance their energy level and perform their daily activities. But you should remember the age of your child. An excess amount of food at a tender age can often lead to cause obesity. On the other hand, a lesser amount may result in cause malnutrition. A child’s daily diet must always comprise of 4 essential nutrients which are: protein, calcium, vitamin and saturated fats. But each nutrient is to be included in an accurate proportion.
• Like other essential nutrients, Zinc and Iron plays a very role in height development, and you need to incorporate them in your kid’s diet chart. Iron helps to increases the hemoglobin content of the blood and Zinc boosts the immunity level. Iron can be found in meat, fishes, and eggs. Whereas, Zinc is found in cow meat, soybean milk, egg yolks and pig liver.
• The child’s diet must include sufficient amount of Vitamins. The various Vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, D and C have different beneficial factors and can help in healthy growth imparting processes. Vitamins can be found in eggs, milk, meat, and fish.
• The critical height enhancement nutrient is protein. Protein helps in development of new body cells, enhances height and promotes overall body growth. For all these reasons, encourage your little ones to intake high amount of protein rich foods in their daily diet. Some good sources of protein for children are egg, soybean, fish, chicken etc.
• Another nutrient that can enhance your kid’s height is Calcium. This nutrient helps in proper growth and elongation of the bones. To develop stronger bones, your child needs to consume ample amounts of Calcium in his diet. Good source of calcium includes milk and all other dairy products.
• Besides having a balanced diet, you should also encourage your children to practice regular exercises like stretching, fitness workouts or light yoga. The exercises will keep them active and impart height.
With all these essential factors, your kid’s health can be enhanced and he/she can attain proper height.